Sep 8, 2011

A Wild Rose in the Garden

This was a Photoshoot I did last month for a wonderful local designer: Carolina Cecena. The location wasn't set till the very last day. Carolina requested a flowery spot for her clothes but the only problem was that it was no longer spring and most of the blooms/flowers were dried up or gone. I began googling for flowers that have late blooms and came across only two: Bougainvillea and Roses. Found this wonderful garden in Downtown San Diego that made this shoot so much fun to work at. We had two gorgeous models: Beth and Waverly working the beautiful designs. And it was a breeze to shoot them. The only problem was that we were working in a public park and there were lots of tourists coming in our shots. And of course coming to ask us what we were doing (which is always fun!). Here is the first series of the final shots:

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